Maryland's only Professional Trade Association Committed to the Artistic, Technical, Personal, and Business Success of the Professional Photographer

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PPA National Award
Volunteers truly are the lifeblood of PPA and its Affiliates. Every association has those extraordinary volunteers whose efforts on behalf of the Affiliate and its members deserve special recognition. Seeking a way to thank these individuals – PPA created the National Award in 1958. Each year, PPA makes this prestigious award available to state, regional, national and international affiliates – who then present it to deserving individuals. The highest honor granted by a PPA Affiliate, it recognizes those whose support for photography goes far beyond any regular expectations or contributions. The simple inscription on this plaque reads “for service to professional photography”– but we know that this award means far more than that.
This award is voted on by a committee of select MDPPA members who are past National Award Recipients, chaired by the most recent recipient.

PPA National Award  

2024   Christina Marcinek
2023     Danny Douglas
2021     John Capone
Christina Martin
Anne Looney
Lidia Miller
Jill Bochicchio
Steve Clark
George Singleton
Mary Jean Campanellie
Ron Coss
Joe Campanellie
Ed and Sandy Buxton
Clay Blackmore
Gary Lloyd
Barry Moien
Beau Simmons
Laura Peck
1989     Patricia Grimaldi

MDPPA President's Award

The recipient of this award is selected by the President as a special person who has made the President's role better through exceptional contributions.

MDPPA President’s Award

2024   Hugh Moore
2023   Chris Marcinek 
2022   Jay Cathell
2021   Carol Davis
2020   Bruce Press
2019   Julie Kim
2018   Lidia Miller
2017   Danny Douglas
2016   Mike Busada
2015   Anne Looney
2014   Steve Clark 
2013   Christina Martin
2012   Steve Clark
2011   Jill Bochicchio
2010   Ed Buxton
2009   Hope Lebdur
2008   Barbara Montone
2007   David Corry
2006   John Stein
2005   Vivian Smith
2004   Robert Grichuhin
2003   George Singleton
1995   Karen Tignall
1994   Doug Talley
1994   Doug Talley
1989   Les Henig
1988   Patricia & Savorio Grimaldo

The Ron Coss Memorial Award for Outstanding Service 
The intent of the MDPPPA Ron Coss Memorial Award is to recognize individuals, who through outstanding service, have contributed to or provided for activities that improve membership and/or the professional development of MDPPA members. This award is voted on by the Board of Directors.

Ron Coss Outstanding Service Award 

2024         Jay Cathell
2023 Chris Marcinek
2022 George Singleton
2021 Paul Biederman
2020 Aaron Beale
2019 Julie Kim
2018 Melanie Anderson
2017 Chris Paulis
2016 Anne Looney
2015 Danny Douglas
2014 Christina Martin
2013 Lidia Miller
2012 Steve Clark
2011 Joe and Mary Jean Campanellie
2010 Barry Moein
2009 Eric Zacharius
2008 Doris Armstrong
2007 Ed and Sandy Buxton
2006 Mel Morganstein
2005 Senator Muson
2004 Harry Markel/Relf Drayton

Maryland Achievement Award
This award, voted on by the MDPPA Board of Directors, is not made for service, but is provided to the person or persons who have most enhanced the professional IMAGE of photography enter on a national or statewide level, or for the enhancement of THEIR OWN professional image.

Maryland Achievement Award

2024         Laura Ames
2023 Carol Davis
2022   Bruce Press
2021   Christina Martin
2020   Ellen Zangla
2019   Chris Paulis
2018   Jason Turner
2017   Paul Biederman
2016   Melanie Anderson
2015   Jamie Turner
2014   Mike Busada
2013   Pam Long
2012   Melanie Anderson
2011   Pam Long
2010   Vanessa Ard
2009   Michael Dunphy
2008   Perry Price/Charity Reed
2007   Robert Grichuhin
2006   Perry Price
2005   Steve Clark
2004   Andy Stanicek
1995         Steve Harrell
1994         Vivian Vizzini
1987         Sara Melson/Paul Nyder

MDPPA Life Membership and Honorary Membership

While not an award, to be conferred the Life Membership or Honorary Membership is a tremendous honor and to this date has only been extended to a small number of people. Life Membership may be extended to any Active Member of the Association in recognition of service rendered or for good and sufficient reason. Honorary Membership may be extended to any photographer or non-photographer who is not a member of the Association, for a length of time determined by the Board of Directors, in recognition of service or significant contribution to the Association or the professional photographic community.

The process begins with a candidate's recommendation to the Board, and subsequently, the Board determines whether to bring the recommendation to the membership for a vote. Life Membership is conferred by an affirmative vote of at least 2/3 of membership present at a General meeting. The Life Member enjoys all the privileges and benefits of an Active Member, with the added benefit of paying no dues. The Honorary Member also enjoys benefits of the Active Membership, though may not vote or serve in elected office. The Honorary Member also pays no dues. 

We appreciate our Life and Honorary Members as valued members of our Association!

Life Members:
in alphabetical order

Jill Bochicchio
Ed Buxton
Joe Campanellie
Mary Jean Campanellie
Steve Clark
Henry Haditsch
Gary Lloyd, 2023
Ed Pierce
Ronald Schaefer
George Singleton
Dennis Slack

Honorary Members:
Sandy Buxton
Mary Moein
Barbara Patterson-Flynn

All Images are copyrighted.

Maryland Professional Photographers Association, Inc. is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. PO Box 266, Simpsonville, MD, 21150

Association financial information is available by request.  Board Use Only. Upload Report for Board.

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