Maryland's only Professional Trade Association Committed to the Artistic, Technical, Personal, and Business Success of the Professional Photographer

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Interested in being a featured Speaker or hosting a Member-led Event?

Featured Speakers

We’re always looking for amazing speakers to help our members continue to grow! We offer speaker fees, merits, lodging, meals, and travel expenses (limitations apply). We also work with your sponsors to cover additional fees. For PPA Members, we provide speaking merits that can be used towards PPA Degrees. Interested? Email the contacts listed below with: 1) Brief Program Description (How and why it would benifiet our members) 2) Links to your social sites 3) Your Speaker Packet, including a current headshot and fee requirements. Once the Programming Committee has had a chance to review your material we will follow-up with the next steps.

Member-Led Outings

Do you have an idea for a member-led or would like to host one? Great! Here are the questions that require answering to begin the process. Don't have all the answers, seems a little overwhelming? Don't worry we can guide you in the right direction to find the answers. 

  • Host Name and Contact Information
  • A brief description of what you plan to focus on. A few sentences are enough; write as much or as little as you want.
  • Proposed Date(s) for the outing
  • If an overnight stay is required, a list of proposed lodging.
  • Meeting time and location (if multi-day event, list details for each day)
  • How long will the event last each day, and how do you envision/recommend people move between locations if necessary (Carpools, individually, etc.)
  • If meals are planned: restaurant website, if not, give people options or tell them to bring a meal.
  • Things to bring (gear, sunscreen, water, etc)
  • Additional costs (admission, parking, need for cash, etc)
  • A Headshot to help people recognize you the day of the event

Our Promotional Schedule (Events/Outings) based on when information is received:

45 days notice or less: These events will receive minimal promotional support due to no advance detailed information

  • Event Leader can promote the event via our Facebook Private Group (Members Only)
  • We can promote the event in Coming into Focus if we receive the details prior to the submission deadline
*Note: The event will not be created on our Website but will be listed on our "Programs" page.

46 - 89 days notice: These events will receive limited promotional support.

  • Website Event with limited event announcement emails
  • Coming into Focus Announcements (to All Contacts and MailChimp list) starting when we receive the details, must be prior to the submission deadline
  • We will make at least one public/private Facebook post for the event.

90 days notice or more: These events will receive our full promotional support.

  • Website Event with event announcement emails (3 times)
  • 3 Coming into Focus Announcements (to All Contacts and MailChimp list)
  • Promotional videos where content is provided
  • Social Media posts (Facebook Public/Private, Instagram, YouTube)

If you’re interested in speaking, please email or, and we will follow up with you shortly.

All Images are copyrighted.

Maryland Professional Photographers Association, Inc. is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. PO Box 266, Simpsonville, MD, 21150

Association financial information is available by request.  Board Use Only. Upload Report for Board.

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