It's official! MDPPA's ANNUAL PRINT COMPETITION date is set for
MARCH 23, 2022!
This year our Print Competition will be held two weeks prior to our Annual Convention and will be virtual.
Start preparing your images now (entry deadline is March 18th 11pm),
to SHINE on March 23, 2022!
Judges have been finalized! They are:
Mark Garber, M.Photog.Cr. (Jury Chair)
Bob Coates, M.Photog.M.Artist.Cr., CPP, EA-ASP
Ella Carlson, M.Photog.M.Artist.Cr., CPP, F-ASP, EA-ASP
Joan Genest, M.Photog.Cr.
Michael Mowbray, M.Photog.Cr.
Jessica Robertson, M.Photog.Cr., CPP
See the Print Competition page for more details!
Because the annual print competition (dates and deadlines below) has three cross-category awards, i.e., Best Portrait of a Child, Best Portrait of a Pet, and Best Nature Image, we have added those subcategories to the category list *just* for the annual print competition in
In the Portrait Category:
• If your photo is of a child, you will enter Photographic Open —> Portrait —> Child.
• If your photo is of a pet, you will enter Photographic Open —> Portrait —> Pet.
• If your photo is not of a child or a pet and is in the Portrait Category, e.g., a family, it should be entered in Portrait —> General.
In the Illustrative Category:
• If your photo is of nature or a landscape, e.g., a flower, a sunrise, wildlife, you will enter Illustrative —> Nature/Landscape.
• If your photo is not of nature or a landscape, e.g., architecture, you will enter Illustrative —> General.
Images entered into those subcategories will still be considered for the higher level category awards for which they qualify, e.g., Portrait of the Year, Illustrative Image of the Year.
Deadlines and Fees
MDPPA's Annual Print Competition will be held March 23 at 10 am. It is digital only and you will be able to watch via Zoom.
Early deadline: March 11, 11 pm. $10/image for members, $15/image for non-members
Late deadline: March 18, 11 pm. $15/image for members, $20/image for non-members
You may enter up to 23 images with a maximum of eight in one category. Please note that the maximum of eight refers to the overall category, e.g., for Portrait, you can't enter six images in Portrait —> Child and four in Portrait —> General.