We hope you will join us for a
TWO DAY WORKSHOP with Sandra Pearce: Painting in Photoshop!!
Register for the Class to Receive the Zoom Link!

This is a PPA Continuing Education Class! PPA Members attending 6.5 hours of this class will receive a PPA Continuing Education merit!
Friday September 25, 2020: 9am-5pm
Day 1: Tools and Techniques & Painting Demos
Saturday September 26, 2020: 9am-5pm
Day 2: Painting Demos
This class is limited to 30 live attendees via Zoom! A password-protected link to a video recording of the two day class will be provided to all attendees for 30 days after the class, a great opportunity to re-watch, or if you had to miss part of the class time! If the class maximum is reached, registration will still be available for the video recording, which will be the same price as attending the class.
Painting in Photoshop is an alternative for you to paint beautiful art pieces rather than attempting to learn a new program. Photoshop is usually where we feel comfortable and familiar with the tools. The learning curve is drastically decreased.
Sandra's presentation will involve detailed instruction while you work along with her using demo images provided by Sandra. The class will cover using the airbrush for painting, the mixer brush and how it works, different modes to paint with, extracting for painting and the financial aspects of adding an art line.
This live two day workshop will also be recorded and made available to registered attendees for 30 days via a video link. So, if you can't make both days, you will have the opportunity to view it for 30 days. This will be a great opportunity to reinforce what Sandra is teaching!
What you should know (or have) for the workshop:
1. Tablet to paint with (it doesn’t have to be a Wacom tablet)
2. A computer
3. Some working knowledge of Photoshop.
4. Sandra will furnish demo images for you to follow along.
5. Sandra would like you to work along with her as she demos her painting techniques. Or you can just sit and watch the demos.
The two day workshop will be available to registered attendees for 30 days via a video link. So, if you can't make both days, you will have the opportunity to view it for 30 days. This will be a great opportunity to reinforce what Sandra is teaching!
If you attended our 2020 MDPPA Convention and enjoyed Sandra's class, you will love this opportunity to take your work to the next level!
Join us!
About Sandra
Sandra Pearce is one of the instructors that has embraced the art of teaching Zoom Classes. She has just finished teaching a two day Painting with Photoshop for another PPA Affiliate. The Virtual Class was such a hit we are offering one for you! Sandra will be teaching you to use the Mixer Brush – Paint with the Air Brush and how to use all the tools in PS used for painting. Come join us for a fun two days of learning the fun and easy way to turn any image into an Art Piece.
Sandra is one of the most sought out digital artists in the photographic industry today. She is a Master Artist, Master Photographer, Craftsman and CPP. She is an Image Excellence and Image Excellence Bar Recipient. Sandra has had the opportunity to speak to thousands of professional photographers across the country from guild level programs to state and national conventions. Her experience in digital imaging has set her apart in competition and she has been awarded Artist of the Year by the Florida Professional Photographers numerous years, Canon Par Excellence 2015, 2016, 2017, Kodak Awards, Fuji Awards and other awards through the years. Sandra has beenin the top ten for GIA awards many times since its inception in 2010. Sandra won the GIA Award for 1st place in the Art Category in 2010, 2016, and 2018 at the Imaging Awards. She has been a diamond photographer for four years. She is an IPC Juror.