Join Us For Our Collaborative Work Day: Monday, July 8, 2019!
The morning provides a great opportunity to learn from Paul Biederman, as he presents a program on Garden Photography, inside with a presentation and then outside with a demonstration (weather permitting)! The afternoon brings us a CPP image submission presentation by Chris Paulis, who will be working through the image requirements by photographing per instructions! Join us for all or part of the day, it will surely be instructive and inspiring!
Do you usually work independently at your desk but would like to spend some time working alongside others?
Then we invite you to leave your messy office, porch, parent's basement, or other area where chores and other great distractions are calling your name, and come together to work in a community environment on your individual projects for a day or enjoy our special programing for the day!
If you have equipment/studio supplies to sell, bring it! If you are looking for equipment/studio supplies to buy, stop on in :)
Register here to let us know you will be joining us. Or if you haven't registered but find yourself available that day, just show up! Friends are welcome!
We look forward to seeing you!