Date: Sunday, September 22, 2024
Time: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Grilling from 12-2!
Location: Sassafras Pavilion at Quiet Waters State Park Annapolis, MD 21403
We have four tickets available when your register, please see the details below.
- The picnic is free to MDPPA members and their families; please indicate the number of guests when you register (dropdown menu). You will utilize the MDPPA Member Ticket which is free. We are asking you to help contribute to the food for the event; please utilize the SignUpGenius link in the event registration confirmation email you will receive to complete that process.
- This event is part of our Membership Drive, if you are a MDPPA member who is bringing a potential member as your guest, please have them register with the Potential Member Ticket and enter your name in the "Special Guest of" field during registration. This ticket is free and no food sign-up is required.
- For PPSGW members who are attending, please utilize the PPSGW member ticket, ask the PPSGW President for the ticket code. This ticket is $10 to help cover the cost of the event. No food sign-up is required.
- For current PPA member who are interested in attending, please utilize the PPA member ticket. This ticket is $10 to help cover the cost of the event. No food sign-up is required. Please be sure to enter your PPA number when registering.
Entrance and Parking Fees are Already Covered—do not pay at the gatehouse! If you are asked, tell them you are part of the Maryland Professional Photographers Picnic event. The entrance and Parking Fees have been covered for you.
If the Picnic isn't enough to get you motivated to join us, we are including a Gear Swap as well! So, bring your old gear and wallet! Don't miss this chance to clean out some space to make room for that new stuff you want!
But wait...there is more! This year’s annual picnic has taken a turn for fun! What better way to celebrate our members and guests than with a short program put on by one of our own members!

James Corbett M.Photog.Cr., CPP, MDPPA-A.F.Ph., F.Ph. will be teaching Creative Expression through Intentional Camera Movement from 10:00-11:30 a.m.
Has the reality of a scene left you uninspired? Have you felt moved by colors, lines, or textures but found yourself sad looking through the viewfinder? Join this session to learn and practice in-camera techniques to create abstract images that capture the feeling of the moment. We will cover approaches to Intentional Camera Movement photography. Bring a camera capable of full manual operation. Any lens can be used. For the best results during our adventure together, a lens anywhere in the 16mm to 200mm range is probably best. If you have a neutral density (ND) filter, consider bringing it.
Entrance and Parking Fees have been paid for you!
Click Here for Information about Quiet Waters Park!