MDPPA Image Competition Town Hall Zoom Meeting
The print committee along with the board of directors are happy to announce the following changes based on comments we heard from you during our previous town hall meeting, various email and other forms of communication we received from you. Scroll down for the updates we will be discussing.
Maryland PPA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Image Competition Town Hall
Time: Feb 28, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 3734 0288
Passcode: 236723
The new updates are:
1. 2023 Competition Structure:
- Digital Image Competition, March 22, 2023, at 3pm
- Digital Image Competition, July 26, 2023, at 3pm
- Annual Image Competition in October (TBA), 1pm
2. MDPPA Image Competitions are independent of PPA or any other sanctioned competition. PPA or other any organizations’ awarded images may be entered into any MDPPA competition. (Merited MIR and IPC Images are now eligible to be entered at any MDPPA competition for merits and awards), This change will be reflected in MDPPA Image Competition Rules.
3. Images that have previously won awards during any Annual MDPPA Image Competition will remain not eligible for additional MDPPA awards.
4. During the March and July MDPPA competitions, one or more jurors will provide brief comments on every image at the conclusion of judging.
5. The Annual Image Competition will be moved to October.
6. Awards such as Photographer of the Year, Maryland Photographer of the Year, and Merits and Degrees, earned in 2022 will be awarded on Saturday, 4/22/2023 during the banquet.
7. Category Excellence Award (previously Best In Show) may be awarded regardless of the number of entries and entrants (based on the Judges' recommendation).
8. Restoration will be a stand-alone category.
9. Digital corner and ribbon PNG files will be available on the MDPPA website for makers to download and add to awarded images.
As always, we are here to answer questions, comments, and concerns. If you have any please forward them directly to
Ellen Zangla
or Lidia Miller