Join us for an All Day Program on Wednesday, February 24th
Plan. Play. Profit.
with Lori Nordstrom

Free to MDPPA Members!
PPA/PPA Affiliates/Rising Tide Society/Maryland Camera Clubs $79
Everyone is Welcome! Special Early Bird Pricing $79 until 2/10, then $99
This is a Virtual Program. Register to receive the Zoom Link!

This is a PPA Continuing Education Merit Class!
PPA members attending 6.5 instructional hours will receive one PPA service merit.
Thank you to BUZZY for your sponsorship!

About Plan.Play.Profit.
We plan trips, parties and house details - why aren't we planning for a profitable business? Learn the things you should be planning for in your business for maximum profit. YES, even in 2021!
I can’t wait to spend a day with you and I love seeing you SUCCEED in this industry, doing this thing you love. Block out this day for you, for your business, and ultimately for the clients you serve. When you are more profitable, you have the opportunity to make a bigger impact. And that, my friend, is why you are here.
Schedule: 1:30-5:30pm Program * 5:30-6:30pm Dinner Break * 6:30-9:00pm Program
Lori is sponsored by Buzzy.
About Lori
Lori Nordstrom began her photography career photographing her own children in the backyard over 20 years ago. She is known for her sweet, simple “real life” style, focused on families and children.
Soon after getting involved in print competition in 2000, Lori was asked to speak at her own Iowa State Convention and has since gone on to present programs and workshops in all 50 US states and around the world. Lori is an Approved Business Instructor (ABI) through PPA and is now a sought after business coach helping creative entrepreneurs reach their goals as multiple six-figure earners.
Lori is the author of “Maximizing Profits: A Practical Guide for Photographers."
Lori Nordstrom Studio
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Please Note: This Program Will Not Be Recorded