July 2018 Print Competition
Mary Fisk-Taylor, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, ABI, API
Jamie Hayes, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, ABI, API, F-ASP
Eric Stoner, M.Photog.Cr.
Our print competition event is open to non-members to attend as our guest. To enter the print competition, please go to printcompetition.com website as instructed below.
Please be sure to read the current Print Competition Rules document, as there have been a few small changes. Links can also be found under our Print Competition tab on this website.
Date: July 25, 2018
Print Entry Deadlines:
- Early – July 15th at 11:00 p.m.
- Late – July 18th at 11:00 p.m.
Print Entry Fees:
- Member – Early: $10 each up to 10 images; Late: $15 each up to 10 images
- Non-Member – Early: $15 each up to 10 images; Late: $20 each up to 10 images
- Maximum of 5 entries per category per maker
Non-members may enter for score only and are also welcome to attend the judging for free.
Note: Due to the timing of PPA’s IPC judging, makers entering images into IPC may enter those same images in accordance with MDPPA’s rules. If your image merited at SEPPA this year it is no longer eligible for any further MDPPA competition.
To enter the print competition, please go to printcompetition.com as instructed below:
We are using Printcompetition.com for our image submission and print competition facilitation. If you haven't already, please take a minute to become a new member on their website.
1 - go to Printcompetition.com
2 - click on "Register"
3 - enter your email and password...
4 - Select MDPPA
5 - Scroll down to click "Register"
6 - Create your profile
There are two levels of printcompetition.com membership. The $8/year membership will be necessary in order to participate in the print competitions. The $12/quarter membership will provide you with access to thousands of images from around the U.S. You will be able to see the judges scores of your own images as well as all entries and hear any challenges. This is a great learning opportunity. Please read the descriptions to decide which membership is best for you. Feel free to look around and become familiar with this website.
Christina Martin and Julie Kim
Co-Print Chairs