We hope you will join us for our FALL FEST
Michael and Tina Timmons
Tuesday, October 23rd
All Day Program! 9:30am-5:00pm
This is a PPA Continuing Education Class! PPA Members
attending 6.5 hours of instruction will receive a PPA service merit.
We also appreciate the sponsorship for this class by American Color Imaging Lab
{Day 2 of Fall Fest is our October Print Competition followed by
Light Painting with Adrian Henson!}
Part 1: Artistic Inspiration 9:30am-12:30pm
In our very hectic society it can be difficult to stay positive. Our industry has changed so dramatically, that keeping up with the expectations of the average customer can really push photographers to their ultimate limits. Working harder for less has become the norm. Come to this program to recharge your creative battery. Explore numerous ways to keep a smile on your face each and every day. Learn to make time for yourself, no matter what. Join me for a brief recess from this chaotic existence we know as life.
LUNCH 12:30pm - 1:30pm
Part 2: Drone Photography 1:30pm-5:00pm
Michael E. Timmons, M.Photog, Hon. M.Photog., M.Artist, Cr., CPP, F-ASP
Ever wonder what it would be like to fly? Have you been curious about becoming a Drone pilot and adding a new product line to your existing business or maybe starting a new business altogether? Join Michael, an F.A.A. licensed, sUAS pilot, as we navigate this exciting new adventure together. There are many things to consider in this new opportunity to photographers and entrepreneurs alike. Is it right for you? Let Michael help you determine that before you invest many hours and dollars into this venture.
This two hour program will give you the basic information that you need to make the decision on whether to purchase a drone for your business or hire out the services of a licensed pilot. There really is more to it than just buying a drone.
Tina and Michael Timmons
Michael and Tina have both been involved in photography since 1983 and joined forces in 2000, after owning individual studios. They own The Portrait Gallery and Gallery 143 in Michigan. The portrait studio specializes in family, children, high school senior portraits, and events. Gallery 143 offers customizable Fine Art Interior Décor, and services clients such as NASCAR, Hendricks Motor Sports, Drury Inns, McDonalds Restaurants, in addition to banks, hotels, doctors offices, individual businesses and private collectors. Competition printing is another service provided, with over 40 Photographers of The Year as clients.
Both are Master, Craftsman, CPP and Award of Excellence Degree holders through PPA, and have been named Photographer of the Year within the state multiple times. They have received awards such as Kodak, Fuji, Best of Show, Judges Choice, Top Ten (both state and regional), Four for Four, ASP State and Regional Elite Award, Michigan Service Award, numerous Loan collection images and PPA Photographer of The Year Pins. Michael has had four loan prints in 2003, 2008, and 2010 and Tina achieved that status in 2009. Michael has exhibited in The International Hall of Fame, Photokina in Cologne Germany, Epcot in Walt Disney, has been The MES Photographer of the Year three times, and has had four prints score 100. He has received the National Award and is a published poet and writer. In addition Michael was named a Fellow by the American Society of Photographers in 2010. Tina has been awarded the National Award, the MES Illustrative Award three times, The LexJet Award twice and was published in The New York Times Magazine.
Michael and Tina have lectured across the United States at local, state, regional, and international conventions in addition to numerous week long schools and personal workshops. They travel all over the world sharing their experiences, while continually photographing each location to add to their fine art library. Both are International Jurors through PPA, while Michael is a Jury Chairman. They traveled to Korea in 2009 to judge the PPK International Regional Print Competition, and just returned from France representing PPA at the WPC 2015 Event, in which Tina was a judge. Both have held numerous board positions and stay involved in every level. Michael currently serves on the PPA Executive Board of Directors as President and is also involved in two committees within. Tina is currently serving as President of PPA Charities, is the President of the Mid Michigan Professional Photographers Association, Past President of the Professional Photographers of Michigan, and is the American Society of Photographers State Representative. Sharing their knowledge with a large circle of photography friends has become a huge part of their life.