It's That Time of Year!
We hope you will join us to celebrate our year together. Invite your special someone and mark your calendar for an evening of fun, food, great conversation, and friends!
Last year was so relaxing and fun, that we will gather again for this year's holiday social at our usual meeting place, Oliver's Carriage House, on Wednesday, December 13, 2017.
Food arrangements are currently underway...MDPPA will be providing the main dish - back by popular request - fried chicken! plus cole slaw, potato wedges and cornbread from Chick N Friends, a local business right around the corner from Oliver's Carriage House. We are also providing non-alcoholic drinks. BYOB! Side dishes and desserts are still needed! To sign up to bring a side dish or dessert to share please write what you are bringing in the comments section, here is the link to sign-up genius!/showRSVPSignUp/5080f4baba729a2fd0-mdppa. PLEASE SIGN UP FOR A DISH OR DESSERT BY ADDING WHAT YOU ARE BRINGING IN THE COMMENT SECTION ON SIGN UP GENIUS!!!
If you would like to participate in the $10 gift exchange game, please remember to bring a wrapped $10 gift! It was a hit last year!
Please be sure to also register by 12/10/17, so we can have an accurate count! Don't forget to bring a dessert or side dish, everyones loves to sample your creations:!/showRSVPSignUp/5080f4baba729a2fd0-mdppa
Happy Holidays :)