Join us for an all day Wedding Program!
Please note, the program has been modified from its original format. The entire program is free to members!
This is a PPA Continuing Education merited class- PPA members who attend 6.5 hours of the program will receive one CE merit!
(Note change of meeting day! Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, we are meeting one week earlier than usual)
Our afternoon is filled with four 45-60 minute presentations from fabulous MDPPA members who will be sharing their wedding photography expertise and experience:
1-5pm Mike Busada, M.Photog.Cr. - Marketing and Social Media Lidia Miller, Cr.Photog.,CPP - Posing Flow Danny Douglas, CPP - 2nd Shooter Success Jamie Turner, Cr.Photog., and Jason Turner, Cr.Photog. - Wedding Day Workflow
5-6:30pm Dinner Break 6:30-7pm Business Meeting and Member Elections 7-9:30pm Featured program, Michael Anthony - Creating Impact with Art Creating Impact with Art - Turning the Ordinary into Extraordinary……
In today’s wedding market, you must be able to do more than take a good photo to stand out. In a sea of competition, to find brides that value creativity over price, you need to be able to create images that make them say wow. More than that, you must create incredible images, consistently, in some of the hardest situations that photographers find themselves in every weekend. In this course, Michael is going to show you his formula for creating incredible images in camera using your environment to your advantage as well as finding or creating good light in horrible locations. He’ll talk about visualizing your shot, and then executing it. Lastly, Michael will talk about building your shot from scratch using small Speedlites and a variety of tools you probably have in your camera bag already.
In today’s wedding market, you must be able to do more than take a good photo to stand out. In a sea of competition, to find brides that value creativity over price, you need to be able to create images that make them say wow. More than that, you must create incredible images, consistently, in some of the hardest situations that photographers find themselves in every weekend.
In this course, Michael is going to show you his formula for creating incredible images in camera using your environment to your advantage as well as finding or creating good light in horrible locations. He’ll talk about visualizing your shot, and then executing it. Lastly, Michael will talk about building your shot from scratch using small Speedlites and a variety of tools you probably have in your camera bag already.