Day 1 - Understanding Portrait Lighting for Maximum Impact
1:00PM-9:30PM (will break for dinner!)
Day 1 is a PPA Continuing Education Class! PPA Members earn 1 PPA Continuing Education Merit for attending 6.5 hours of this class.
This hands-on course is designed to teach basic one-light setups through complex multiple light sets! Starting with just one light, we'll discuss the four common lighting patterns every photographer needs to know. We'll demonstrate how to analyze facial features to determine the best lighting to flatter your client. We’ll then break into groups working with a variety of lighting setups both indoors and out (weather permitting).
By the end of the class, students will be able to create stunning sellable images using multiple light sources in a variety of situations. By adding light to environmental portraits, students will distinguish themselves from the competition with a unique look that can’t be captured with natural light alone.
Day 2 - Lightroom to Run your Studio
9:30AM-4:30PM (will break for lunch!)
Most photographers know that Lightroom can be used to process images for basic color-correction. But Lightroom is so much more!
In our studio, Lightroom is not only an image processor. It's an integral part of our workflow, sales, marketing, vendor relations, and even blogging! Learn how to use Lightroom’s built-in features for portfolio management, vendor networking, and easy, intuitive in-person sales to easily triple your old online sales averages.
We’ll also share with you all our favorite third-party plug-ins that simplify and speed up many aspects of our business. Find out how our streamlined workflow allows us to easily create blog posts, share files with clients, post to social media, and more!
Speaker Bio
Jeff and Lori own indigosilver studio in Wilmington NC, offering boutique boudoir portraiture and wedding photography. They also own and operate The Shoot Space, their educational outreach for photographers. The Shoot Space is a community-oriented studio offering workshops, tutorials, photographers’ contracts, and online educational content for photographers.