Christine Walsh-Newton is a Master Photographer, Photographic Craftsman and Certified Professional Photographer. She was awarded the PPA National Award in 2014 by the Professional Photographers of Ohio, where she is a member of the Board of Trustees as well as the assistant Print Chairman. Christine has been an International Print Competition medalist 4 of the past 5 years and is a consistent Top 10 Photographer in Ohio. Christine teaches, writes and mentors on print competition topics from her portrait studio in Dover, Ohio.
Christine is a member of the PPA, the Professional Photographers of Ohio as well as the American Society for Photographers. She serves as the Ohio Representative for the ASP and is also a CPP Liaison for Ohio.
In this program, which has qualified as a PPA Continuing Education merit class, Christine will walk you through the rules and guidelines for entering both prints and digital images into competition at the state, District and PPA’s esteemed International Photographic Competitions. We cover the entire process, from deadlines, entry fees and to forms to awards, proper mounting and shipping your submissions.
Christine will discuss the 12 Elements of a Merit Image, the basis by which images are judged. Students will learn to study images critically for competition purposes so that they may apply these skills to their own images.
Students will also be introduced to the requirements of PPA’s Master of Photography and Artist degrees as well as other PPA image competition-based achievements. Additionally, Christine shares the tips and tricks she used as she earned her Master’s degree in just three years!
Christine will explain advanced print competition preparation concepts that she has developed through her own image competition workflow and through her image competition judges’ training. She will review her own personal competition image process from concept to print finishing.
For the evening portion of the full day, Christine will be reviewing member images.
Please send her a high resolution image that you feel appropriate for comp, and she will discuss and retouch a number of them to illustrate before and afters and how she takes each image to completion.
We have set up a Dropbox for folks to add their image(s) to if they'd like to participate. Please limit one per member so that we can fit them all in.
We ask that files be uploaded by Tuesday, March 22nd at 5 pm, so she can plan them into that segment.
Submit your images to:
As a PPA Continuing Education Merit Class, if you are a PPA member, provide us your PPA number, and attend at least 6.5 hours of instruction, you are eligible for a PPA CE Merit, which MDPPA will submit for you.